The "Early Years"

Submitted by Hogan Willeford

The first SCGA event we played in was in 1941.  It was the second year of the tournament. Capt. "Bull" Johnson (I forgot his first name but his nickname was well earned) was very active in CSFA and heard about it.  LA County Fire entered a team consisting of: Bull Johnson, never played golf before; Hogan Willeford (E31), 10 handicap; Roy Gorten Fire (Foreman, E31), 15 handicap; I forgot the fourth.  Bruce McCormick (also the State Amateur Champion) of LA City Fire was in charge of the tournament.  He handicapped all teams and determined that LA County Fire was the winner.  It was a perpetual trophy.  Roy and I took it back to Station 31 where it stayed for about one year.  The war was on and sometime around then it was placed in the trophy case at LA Headquarters.  I think after the war it was at Riverside Victoria (private).  Next year it ended up at San Diego, then Culver City.  Around 1950, LA County Fire was host at Lakewood Country Club.  We played 36 holes on one day for several years.  After that we formed a formal assocaition and elected officers.